SLUČAJ GROBNIK 2.12.2000. iz članka Novog Lista

Posted by Pas at 03/04/2010

Category: UFO


(NOVI LIST: Svijetleća prikaza širi stravu u Kukuljanima)SUSRET S NEOBJAŠNJIVIM POKRAJ RIJEKEDarko, Gloria,  Jelena i Andrea Što je to malo, svijetleće bijelo, sluzavi i kreće se samo po boku? A ne, nije to nikakav štos, to je opis neidentificirane spodobe koja od subote, 2. prosinca u Kukuljanima, mjestašcu na samom izvoru Rječine sije nezapamćeni strah i paniku. A sve je počelo sasvim obični. Kukuljanske djevojčice i dječaci Gloria Zaharija (11), Darko Lukin (13), Boris Juretić (17), Andrea Vrabić (14), Jelena Juretić (12) i Virna Kukuljan (11), prožvakavali su još jednu dosadnu subotnju večer na autobusnoj stanici smještenoj na ulazu u selo, svojem omiljenom okupljalištu. I onda su, još uvijek ničim izazvani, ali i sasvim iznenađeni nagonom za štetnju, jer inače to im nije uobičajen đir, odlučili oko 19.30 sati prošetati cestom u smjeru susjedne Trnovice.
– I gremo mi tako naprvo, Darko, Jelena i ja va prvoj grupe, a zad nas ovi drugi kad najedamput na Batici skužimo nekakovu svitlost va šume. Obrnuli smo prema tamo i na jedno petnajst – dvajset metrih vidimo neč belo, okol pol metra visoko, z glavun na koj su se videle samo oči ke se sad bile crvene, sad zelene, sad florescentno bele kako kraj drva stoji i gljeda va nas. Darko j ‘bil na dva metra od njega, on se j ‘ukopal, a mi smo vrišćuć počele bižat na cestu.
Gloria  Zaharija u šumi pokazuje gdje je djecu preplašilo neobično stvorenje Bižala j’ i ova grupa za nas, to čudo je cvilelo, lupalo i greblo z onimi rukami ča nemesto prstih imaju kot pandže i se po boku klizilo za nami, grdo pušuć, svetleć i beleć se koda ga j’ neki celoga posul brašnom. Onda j’ i Darko nekako dotekal, pal na cestu i počel histerično vriskat, komać smo ga stali i nekako pobigli do autobusne stanice, ma to j’ letelo za nami. Mislin. letelo, ma ne po zraku, po tloh, se po boku, ma takovun brzinun da se j’ ustvari videla zaspraven samo ta belina kako klizi za nami. Od busne smo pobigli pred kapelicu, ludi od straha, ma to j’ sad došlo z klančića ča zmed kuć vodi do tog šumarja kadi smo ga prvi put videli. Onda smo mi pobigli na drugi kraj sela – do malinice, a to j’ došvikalo zanami. Kad smo već bili ludi od straha, aš Andrea govori da j’ sedelo na ograde od jedne stare kući, najedanput je odljigavilo preko našega mostića i va šumu. Ne moren vam reć koliko smo se prestrašili, a trebelo j’ poć doma. Nekako smo šli, ma od straha da nan niki neće verovat se to, nikomu nismo tu noć niš govorili, priča Gloria Zaharija.
No, kako klinci rijetko što mogu sakriti roditeljima, a njihov strah bio je više nego vidljiv, roditelji su vrlo brzo saznali čitavu priču.
– Moja Andrea je došla doma sva blijeda, na moje inzistiranje ispričala mi je čitavu priču, najprije sam joj rekla da prestane izmišljat, no kako nije odustajala čak sam joj i zaprijetila batinama, totalno iživcirana takvim bedastoćama. Ali, iz minute u minut njezin je strah rastao umjesto da se stišava i onda sam iznova zatražila da mi prepriča čitav događaj i shvatila sam da dijete ponavlja priču od riječi do riječi, tresući se kao prut i ja joj vjerujem. Tim više što su i ostala djeca roditeljima ispričala identičnu priču, kaže Andreina mama Dunja, dodajući kako su tu čitavu noć psi bjesomučno lajali, osjećalo se nešto čudno u čitavom mjestu, a klinci koji su imali bliski susret s “neidentificiranim” spavaju s roditeljima, ni u ludilu ne pomišljaju na izolaciju u vlastitoj sobi.
Čudnovati  znakovi urezani na stablu Kako je ostatak ekipe još bio u školi, Gloria nas je odvela do mjesta zbivanja i pokazala drvo iza kojeg je izvirio “bijeli stvor bez nosa i ustiju, s ogromnim raznobojnim očima i nogama koje kao da nisu noge nego umjesto stopala ima nešto okruglo” i na drvetu su lijepo vidljivi tragovi pandža, a ispod drveta dubok vodoravan trag kao kao da je netko vukao balvan. Vjerujte, jezovito, tim više što na kori drveta uistinu postoje tragovi nekakve osušene i skorene sluzi, a klinci se lijepo rekli da se “strašni mališan” ljigavi.
U 14 i 20 pristigli su i ostali akteri priče iz škole, te smo upitali Darka što je to bilo.
– A ča ja znan ča je bilo, strahovito san se prestrašil, pa ja san mu bil na dva metra dugo, to j’ cvilelo, lupalo, bliskalo i ja se nis mogal pomaknut. Još se bojin, još me j’ strah i mi van kad padne mrak opće ne zihajamo z kući. Ne znan ako bi preživel opet isto, tr i onda san se zrušil, ča ja znan je od straha, od šoka al česa drugoga. A znate ča, nan niki ne veruje, ali to j’ zaspraven bilo tako. Ča j’ to, ča ni ja ne znan, ma znan da san ga videl i čul. Drugu večer smo s ceste zijali – mi te se ne bojimo, pukaži se, a vranića se ne bojimo, ma to se ni pukazalo leh je z šume lupalo, vriskalo i ča ti ja znan ča se ne.
Da nisu samo djeca imala bliski susret s “nečin tim” potvrđuje i gospa Ivka Kukuljan zvana Mičica koja je krenula u štalu, ma kad je ušla – ljudi moji mirakula.
– Šla san nutar, kad ono z poda kadi j’ nekad bilo seno, čujen nekakovo puhanje, koda neki kašlje, hripće, ma ne čovik i nekakov glas, ne moren van opisat kakov – stravičan, govori Mičica i nastavlja – nis ja čekala da se to pokaže, nis ga videla ma san ga čula, pobigla san kuliko san brže mogla, dako ću vranića čekat. Čujte, prestrašila san se, ma strašno san se prestrašila, sad gren po danu va štalu, ma po noći. ne bin šla za si soldi ovoga svita.
Mještani spominju i vozača Autotroleja Ladislava koji je također imao susret s “neidentificiranin”.
– Da j’ ta Ladislav, me par da j’ z Martinih al Lopače peljal bus i da mu j’ najedanput neš belo proletelo preko ceste, bes se j’ sam od sebe zgasil, svitla su se pogasila i da ga j’ upalil tek kad je to belilo nestalo, sad je tako al ni ja ne znan aš va busu nis bila, govori jedna vremešna stanovnica Kukuljani.
Sve u svemu, i staro i mlado u Kukuljanima boji se mraka, psi laju već tjedan dana nesmanjenim intenzitetom, čudnovati stanovnik šume trenutno se pritajio, osim što se lupom i svojevrsnim cviljenjem koje dopire iz šume s vremena na vrijeme izdaje. Mnogi priznaju strah, a neki odmahuju rukom kako su to sve bedastoće. Nelagoda se uvukla u svaku poru seoca na izvoru Rječine, a da je stvar ozbiljno shvaćena potvrđuje i “izlazak na teren” načelnika općine Jelenje Branka Juretića, ali i pripadnika policije. Što je to što straši mještane još uvjek je nepoznanica, Kukuljani već desetak dana ne spavaju mirnim snom.
– Mi nećemo dok se ne sazna ča j’ to bilo, jednoglasni su u odgovoru mještani, neovisno kojoj starosnoj dobi pripadali.
Iz NOVOG LISTA br. 17015 od 12. prosinca 2000.
Izvještava Slavica Mrkić Modrić
Snimio Marko Gracin


What is a small, luminous white, slimy and moving only in the side? And no, it’s no stunt, it is a description of unidentified creatures that from Saturday, 2nd December at Kukuljani, village at the source of unprecedented riverRječina near town of RIJEKA sow fear and panic. It all began quite normally. Kukuljans girls and boys Gloria Zacharias (11), Darko Lukin (13), Boris Juretić (17), Andrea Vrabić (14), Jelena Juretić (12) and Virna Kukuljan (11), prožvakavali was another boring Saturday night at the bus station located at the entrance to the village, her favorite gathering place. And then, there is still no way challenged, but also quite surprised by the urge to take a walk, otherwise they are not admitted to that route decided around 19.30 hours to walk the road in the direction of neighboring place of Trnovica.
– And so we go forward, Darko, Jelena and me in the first group, and behind the latter when suddenly the Batica Skuza some sort of light in the forest. We turned to there and a fifteen to twenty metars we saw  something white, about a half meters high, with the head on which they saw only the eyes that were sometimes red, now green, now white fluorescent end to timber stands and looks at us . Darko was two meters from him, he has entrenched itself in fear at the site, and we screaming began to flee down the road.

Children are not believed

Gloria Zacharias in the woods shows where the kids scared strange creature fled, and the group behind us, it was a miracle whined, thumping and scratch with those hands that had an fingers for something like Pandela slid by the side of us, ugly blowing, and lighting and shining  the code it is awhole flour.
Then he and Darko somehow ran and fell on the road and began to scream hysterically, barely raised, and we have somehow escaped from the bus station, but it flew behind us. I think. flown, but not by air but by land, by his side, but with such speed to be seeing only the whiteness of that going for us. From the bus we ran away in front of the chapel, mad with fear, but it is now Klančić who came from the house leads to the grove where we first saw it. Then we escaped to the other end of the village – to the olive gardens, and it’s swam for us. When we already were mad with fear, as Andrea said she was sitting on the fence of an old house, suddenly the creature was escape  over our bridge in the woods. I can not tell you how much we are frightened, andwe should  to go home. Somehow we have gone, but fear that nobody will believe  us at all, anyone that night did not say anything, telling Gloria Zacharias.
However, as the kids are rarely what the parents can hide, but their fear was more than noticeable, parents quickly learn the whole tale.
– My Andrea came home all pale, to my insistence, she told me the whole story, first I told her to stop make  things up, but he did not give up, I even threatened her and sticks, totally out of my self such silliness. But from minute to minute, her fears grew for that calms down and then I asked again and again that she tell me the whole event and I realized that the child repeat the story word for word, shaking like a twig and I believe her. The more so as the other kids parents apologized the identical story, “says Andrea mom Dunja, adding that the dogs all night frantically barking, I felt something strange in the whole place, and the kids who had a close encounter with the” unidentified “sleep with their parents, even in the madness is not considering reduction in their own room.
The day care only

Strange characters carved on the tree As the rest of the team was still in school, Gloria took us to the venue and showed the tree is behind where tht creature pop up “white creature with no nose and mouth, with huge multi-colored eyes and legs that seem to have legs rather than feet there is something round and the tree are clearly visible traces of claw, and under a tree deep horizontal track such as if someone dragged logs. Believe me, creepy the more you use the timber there remains some really dry and skorene mucus, and the kids are nice to say that the “terrible toddler” sleazy.
At 14:20 received by other actors in the stories from school and we asked Darko what it was.
– And what do I know what it was, I was terribly scared, and I dream of him was two meters from him, it whined, thumping, shining, lighting  and I could not move. Yet I fear, yet I was afraid and we will when it gets dark do not leave home. I do not know if he survived the same again, even if the dream has crashed, what do I know jel fear, shock, or something else. And you know what, nobody believed us, but it really was. What is it, I do not know, but I know that I saw and heard. The second evening we shouted from the road – we are not afraid of you, show yourself, and the devil is not afraid, but it did not show while in the woods beats, shrieked, and what do I know what not.
That not only children had a close encounter with “something that” confirms and Mrs. Ivka Kukuljan called Mičić who went into a barn, no matter when it came – people my miracles.
– I went in, when the floor where it was once the hay, I hear some kind of blowing, as if someone is coughing, breathing very rafly  but not the man and the kind of voice, can not be described as out – scary, says Micic and continues – I am waiting for the this show, I saw him but I’ve heard, how I dream of escape fast as she could, whom the devil will not wait. Listen, I was afraid, however I am terribly afraid, now I go daily in a barn, but at night What can not be for all the money in this world.

The bus was stopped

Locals referred to the driver Autotrolej(local bus company) Ladislav who also had a meeting with “unidentified.”
– If that Ladislav, it seems to me that he was from or Martinih Lopac drove a bus and that he was suddenly something white flew across the road, a bus was shut down by itself, lights are shut down by itself  and had been turned on only when thewhite creature  it disappeared, now that it is so or not I do not know, because the bus I was – says one resident aged Kukuljani.
All in all, young and old in Kukuljani afraid of the dark, dogs barking for a week unabated, the strange inhabitant of the forest to lay low at the moment, except that the magnifying glass and a sort of whining coming from the woods from time to time issue. Many recognized the fear, and some wave their hands as they are all nonsense. Discomfort is encased in every pore on the source of the village of River, and the matter was taken seriously, and confirms the “going out into the field,” Mayor Jelenje Branko Juretic, and the police. What is it that frighten the villagers still a mystery, but ten days Kukuljani not sleep peaceful sleep.
– We will not know until thewhat was it  unanimous in response to local residents, regardless of the age represented.

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