Posted by Pas at 20/08/2010



Živimo u jednom vremenu gdje je svijet posto globalno selo.Trebali bi znati praktički sve što se događa – no neznamo, jer upravo ta tehnologija je usmjerena protiv nas samih, pa informacije koje dobivamo samo su lutkarska predstava za djecu.Pravi događaji se zbivaju iza zavjese i svi su međusobno povezani .Ne postoje slučajni i nepovezani događaji. Tko stoji iza ovih događaja o kojima ću danas pisati i sa kakvom namjerom još nisam otkrio, iako o tome stvarno često razmišljam.
Moj post LOGIKA ,2012 GODINA I SISTEM ELIMINACIJE mnogima se učinio naivan i mračan, ne shvaćajući što sam htio sa time reći.Sada ću to pojasniti, a istina koju ćete pročitati je strašna, a desila se je 11.septembra 2001 godine u New Yorku oko 8 sati i 40 minuta ujutro po njihovom vremenu.
Vjerovatno je netko primjetio, da nikada nisam pisao na blogu o događajima koji su se desili u New Yorku 2001 godine, prilikom rušenja WTC centra Da napisao sam rušenja, a ne zabijanja aviona, jer te avione nikada nitko nije vidio – nitko tko je toga dana bio u New Yorku oko WTC centra.Ti avioni su bili samo na televiziji. Čak ni reporteri koji si izašli nakon prve explozije na teren, nisu vidjeli udar drugog aviona, već su samo začuli jaku eksploziju.
Ali o tome ima dovoljno materijala na Internetu pa ne bih sad u nekakve detalje. Samo da vam kažem još i ovo, da su svi tkz.teroristi koji su oteli avione, nađeni živi i zdravi u zemljama u kojima su živjeli sve do onda – osim jednoga.

Tog dana izbjegnuta je največća svijetska katastrofa i kataklizma koju si možete možete zamisliti u vašoj glavi. Na Ameriku i na New York izvršen je napad atomskim bombama od pola megatona svaka. Samo za primjer, Hirošima je napadnuta sa A bombom od 20 kilotona , znači ove su bombe bile 25 puta jače od one bačene na Hirošimu.
Toga dana u New Yorku su eksplodirare dvije atomske bombe svaka od 80 -150 kilotona koje su bile postavljene ispod WTC-a. na dubini od cca 100 metara.

Vjerovatno ćete se upitati, kako su dvije atomske bombe dospjele na tu dubimu ispod WTC centra i tko ih je tamo postavio kao i zašto?
Trenutačno na to pitanje nisam niti ja niti netko drugi u mogućnosti odgovoriti u potpunosti, najme mogu odgovoriti na jedno od pitanja , a to je da su te atomske bombe postavljene davne 1982 ili 83 godine a možda čak i prije.
Tamo su stajale i čekale na vrijeme kada će biti aktivirane.
E sad se tu moramo zaustaviti i vratiti se na jedan moj post, u kojem sam ja razvio svoju teoriju o tome – neznajući za te dvije atomske bombe – koje sad nakon toliko vremena, daju mojoj teoriji zeleno svijetlo.
Neznam u kojem sam postu pisao o tome, no taj post se nalazi u sekciji UFO, pa ga potražite.

Prvo pitanje koje se može postaviti je slijedeće:
Zašto bi Amerikanci, svijesno postavili dvije tako jake atomske bombe, u centru NEW YORKA-a ispod tako dva visoka nebodera?
No morate znati, da te atomske bombe nisu bile postavljene samo ispod ta dva nebodera u New Yorku, najme ispod jednog isto tako visokog nebodera u Chicago-u nalazila se je još jedna  A-bomba.
11.rujna 2001 taj neboder u Chicago-u je bio hitno evakuiran, iako nije bio napadnut “avionima”.

Sad se zapitajte još jednom, protiv kakve jebene sile su u neboderima  ljudi postavili atomske bombe – osim za obranu ili spriječavanje nečeg jako moćnog.
Za obranu od koga i od čega?
Šta su zapravo ti neboderi bili i predstavljali, tko se je njima služio, šta je bila njihova prava funkcija?
Nešto vrlo moćno se je dizalo spuštalo ili prolazilo tim neboderima, kad je za svaki slučaj postavljen Atomski eksploziv, koji je zgradu kad je aktiviran pretvorio u mikronske čestice i od nje nije ostalo ništa.
Interesantno zar ne.
New  York je tog dana izbjegao smrt 20 miliona ljudi žrtvujući 3000 ljudi, koji su se sa cijelim sadržajom zgrade, pretvorili u fini pepeo zajedno sa svim četvrtastim željeznim cijevima debljine 6,5 cm(promjer debljine željeza kojom su napravljene željezne cijevi u pravokutnom obliku).Najveći Boing, da se je zaletio punom brzinom u WTC, razbio bi se o konstrukciju nebodera u pramparčad, a neboder se ne bi ni pomaknuo – tako je čvrsto bio napravljem.
No pretvorio se je u prah i pepeo, radijacija koja je vladala na GROUND ZERO(što je isključivo naziv za mjesto eksplozije atomske odnosno hidrogenske bombe i ničega više i  taj termin se ne upotrebljava za ništa drugo osim za označavanje mjesta atomske eksplozije).
To govori samo za sebe.
Toga dana prvi put u povijesti amerike u Coloradu u komandi NORAD-a zatvorena su ogromna željezna vrata, koja se nikad do tada nisu bila zatvarana čak ni za vrijeme simuliranog napada atomskim oružjem, a ona služe protiv udara od atomske bombe.
Da se nisu srušila ova dva, odnosno tri nebodera, ja danas ovo najvjerovatnije ne bih  ni pisao.
No svi oni koji to nisu znali, nisu  znali kakva je kataklizma spriječena u zadnji moment  i tom su prilikom aktivirane tri atomske bombe od po cca 80 – 150 kilotona, u samom centru New Yorka.

Sada vam je možda moj post o kataklizmi 2012 godine mnogo jasniji, sada znate kakvi ljudi žive sa nama na ovom svijetu, koji su u stanju ispaliti usred bijela dana tri atomske bombe od 500 kilotona na NewYork i Washington i koja da je eksplodirala na visini od 400 metara (ne jedna nego dvije)
od NewYorka bi ostala golema rupa i svi bliži gradovi bili bi sravnati sa zemljom.Rakete su ispaljene cca 300 milja sa Atlantika ili sa podmornica ili sa ratnog broda. Rakete su bile ruske proizvodnje, sa bojevim atomskim glavama, a ukradene su sa Ruske podmornice KURSK koja se je potopila i ostala na dnu mora, o čemu je cijeli svijet bio obaviješten.
I dok je podmornica bespomoćno ležala na dnu oceana, i najsavršenijom tehnikom nisu mogli do nje, nekom čudnom(čijom?)tehnikom nestalo je tri projektila koja su završila u WTC cenru i u Pentagonu.
Do sada je oko 3000 ljudi oboljelo od radijacije koji su tamo poslani da rade i rašćišćuju teren, bez zaštite izlagajući ih radijaciji, kako ne bi otkrili što se je desilo.
Svi koji su stanovali u blizini, nisu smjeli vratiti u svoje domove i kancelarije 6 mjeseci ni stanovati u tim kućama zbog radijacije, a zapravo ne bi smjeli tamo boraviti najmanje godinu ili dvije.

No ostavimo to na stranu i upitajte se još jednom kakvu silu su zaustavljali ili mislili zaustaviti sa Atomskim bombama, postavljenim ispod zemlje na dubini od 75 -100 m? Sigurno neku strahovito tehničko naprenu silu – VANZEMALJSKU.
Jer jedino čime se njih može efikasno zautsaviti je Atomska bomba.
Očito je da su se vanzemaljska bića nekim gatewayom spuštali putem WTC-a tu na zemlju ili odlaziili sa nje sporazumnio sa vlastima ili dijelom vojnog vodstva. Već sam pisao kakve su crte snimili specijalnim kamerama koje su izlazile iz tih tornjeva prema mjesecu.i ostalim planetama, a koje prostim okom nisu bila vidljiva.Vjerovatno se radi o nekakvim elevatorima kojim se nekom crvotočinom ili gatewayom ulazi i izlazi u svemir.
da bi dobili kompletnu sliku što se je dogodilo morate pogledati DVD interview sa ruskim stručanjakom za Atomske bombe i atomske eksplozije Dimitri Khalezov -om .

Naslov DVD-a koji traje skoro 4 sata je NUCLEAR 911.Napominjem da se inteview naveliko  miče  sa interneta, kako ga nitko ne bi vidio, pa vam želim sreću u lovu na taj torrent, kojeg ako uspijete skinuti u ISO formatiu oko 4,43 GB pogledati ćete u dahu i sve što vam nije bilo jasno u svezi slučaja 911, sjesti će na svoje mjesto.
Sve je znanstveno dokazano.
Autor se nije bavio time tko je to i zašto to napravio, iako je očito da on to zna, ali ne želi reći, a znate zašto – jer je UFO najveća tajna na svijetu, vjerovali ili ne.

I na kraju što je ovo crno što prolijeće i pogledajte kut pristizanja!!!

We live in a time where the world is becoming global villiage.We should know virtually everything what happens – but  wedo not know, just because the technology is directed against ourselves, and the information that we obtain it’s only a puppet show for a kids.Rael events happening behind the curtain and they are all interrelated. There are random and unrelated events. Who is behind these events, which I will now write about it and with what intent I have not yet discovered, though there I often think abou it.
My post “Logic, year 2012 and elimination system” people said is made of many naive and dark facts, not realizing what I wanted to say with it..Now I’ll try to explain, and the truth that you will read is terrible and it happened on 11th .septembar in year 2001 in New York about 8 . 40 AM on american time
Perhaps someone noticed that I never wrote anything  about events that took place in New York in 2001 on my blog, when the demolition of WTC  collapse, I wrote, not hit by the  the plane, because there was no planes, and no one has ever seen one – no one that day who was in New York around WTC .Those  planes were only on TV. Even TV reporters who were out after the first explosion , have not seen any another aircraft attack , but they have only heard a very strong explosion.
But more on that there is enough material on the Internetn so I would not go now in some further details.
Just to tell you also this, that all so called terorists who hijacked fantom planes, were found alive and well in the countries where they lived before – except one which one is dead

On that day, we have avoid the biggest world’s disasters and cataclysms that you can you can imagine in your head.
America and the New York attack was attack bay missle carried out atomic bombs half a megatone each. Just for example, Hiroshima was attacked /hit with a bomb of 20 kilotons, meaning these  bombs were 25 times more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima.
On that day in New York were explode two atomic bombs, each of 80 -150 kilotons  which were placed beneath the WTC at a depth of 100 meters.
Probably you will ask yourself, how coome that  the two atomic bombs have fallen below WTC center, or who put them there and why?
Currently, I can not answer this question , nor anyone else able to answer fully, leasing an answer one of the issues, and that is that the atomic bomb was set back in 1982 or 83  and maybe even before.
There they stood and waited for  a time when it will be activated.
Now here we have to stop, and return to one of my post, where I developed my theory about it – without knowing of the two atomic bombs – that now after all this time, my theory has the green light.
I do not know where I post writing about it, but this post is in the UFO section, so look it up.

The first question can be found is the following:
Why would Americans consciously set up by two strong atomic bomb, in downtown New York and below by two tall skyscrapers?
But you must know that these atomic bombs were placed just below the two skyscrapers in New York City, leasing under one also high skyscraper in Chicago there was another A-bomb.
In September 11 2001 that  skyscraper in Chicago was immediately evacuated, although he was not attacked by any “planes”.

Now I ask again, against what fucking force they set up an atomic bomb in the WTC skyscrapers full of people  – except for defense, or preventing something very powerful.
To defend from whom and from what?
What are actually those skyscrapers were also represented, who has served them, what was their real function?
Something very powerful was using this buildings for  the elevator or passing down and up the skyscraper, when the case is set for each atomic explosive, which is activated and  the building is turned into a micron particles
Interesting isn’t it.
New York was  avoid the death of 20 million people this day by sacrificing 3000 people who were with the entire contents of the building, turned into a fine ash, together with all square iron tube thickness of 6.5 cm (diameter thick steel which are made of iron pipes in a rectangular shape) . Most Boing, that was crashed in full speed into the WTC, broke up to the construction of skyscrapers in pieces  and the  skyscraper would not be even moved – so tightly was build his construction.
But insteda it turned to ashes. Radiation that has ruled the GROUND ZERO (which is the only name for the explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, and nothing more, and this term is not used for anything other than to indicate the place of atomic explosion).
It speaks for itself.
On that day the first time in the history of America in Colorado in command of NORAD’s the huge iron gate closed  that had never previously had not been closed in even during the simulated attack by atomic weapons, and door are stood there to prevent against the shock of the atomic bomb.

But all those who do not know, they did not know what kind of cataclysm is prevented at the last moment, and that there are activated three atomic bombs, each about 80-150 kilotons, in the center of New York.

Now you maybe get my post about 2012 years cataclysms much clearer now, knowing how among us  live people in this world who are able to shoot in broad daylight three atomic bombs of 500 kilotons in New York and Washington and that it exploded at a height of 400 meters (not one but two of them) After that event New York would remain a big hole and all the cities in near distance would be a big ground zero place..Missale have  been fired from about 300 miles from the Atlantic ocean from the submarine or warship. Rockets were Russian-made, with the heads of nuclear warheads, with a stolen Russian submarine Kursk, which sank and layed at the bottom of the sea, which is the whole world was informed about it .
And while the submarine was lying helpless on the bottom of the ocean, and the most perfect technique could not reach it, a strange (whose?) technique, stoled  three missiles from it which ended in WTC and the Pentagon.
So far, about 3,000 people sick from radiation untill now.They were are sent there to work and clean the ground zero , without protection expose them to radiation, so as not to be revealed  what was really  happened.
All those who lived nearby, were not allowed to return to their homes and offices for six months or live in these houses because of the radiation, and in fact they should not stay there for at least a year or two.

But leave that aside and ask yourself once again what kind of force they stopped or thought they stopped to use the atomic bomb, placed under ground at a depth of 75 -100 m? Certainly a formidable technical force – alien force.
For only thus can they effectively stop them with  the atomic bomb.
It is obvious that this was a  gateway to some alien beings descended through the WTC  with the blessing of authorities in goverment or part of the military leadership. I have already wrote some lines taken by special cameras that are coming out of those towers to moon and other planets, and which can not  be seen by the naked eye .Probbably is about some elevators that leads to a wormhole or gateway entrances and exits into the space.
To get a complete picture of what really happened you have to see a DVD interview with Russian expert for atomic bombs and nuclear explosions Dimitri Khalezov
The title of DVD which lasts nearly 4 hours isthe “Nuclear 911”. I wish you a good luck in the hunt for the torrent, if you manage to download the ISO Format around 4.43 GB big ….. and all that you were not clear about the case 911, will sit in his place.
Everything has been scientifically proven.
The author did not deal with time who did it and why did it, even though it was obvious that he knows, but does not want to say, and you know why – because  the biggest secret in the world is -UFO , believe it or not.


  1. mrgood says

    Ne kuzim kakvu ulogu imaju ti projektili i gdje su završili. Da li nisu ni ispaljeni ili su ispaljeni pa su ih unistili prije?

  2. Igor Kostelac says

    Pogledaj DVD skini ga navodno ima i 26 nastavaka za pogledati na Youtubeu nisam provjeravao treba pažljivo poslušati šta govori pa ćeš vidjeti gdje su završili. a završili su u jezgri ekspolzije na 100 metara dubine pretvorili su ih u prah.Moraš pogledati video.Obavezno!!!

  3. There Are Books You Know... says

    The origins of the term ground zero began with the Manhattan Project and the bombing of Japan. The Strategic Bombing Survey of the atomic attacks, released in June 1946, used the term liberally, defining it as: “For convenience, the term `ground zero`, will be used to designate the point on the ground directly beneath the point of detonation, or `air zero.`” William Laurence, an embedded reporter with the Manhattan Project, Reported that `Zero` was “the code name given to the spot chosen for the atomic bomb test”

    However, though the term has often been associated with nuclear explosions and other large bombs, it is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of most severe damage or destruction.

    “U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Naggasaki, June 19, 1946., President`s Secretary File, Truman papers, page 5.

    GROUND ZERO, as a term, is especially apllicable to the 9/11 setup/disaster as the event that shook not only the american people but the entire world that witnessed the disaster and inadvertably set in motions the events that changed the world and lives of millions of people. But, as mentioned above, the term is for example used for the 26/12/2004 tsunami disaster in Sumatra that claimed more than 230, 000 human lives.

    That speaks for itself and for you.

    Furthermore, you are being rather inconsistent in your claims saying, firstly, that there were nuclear bombs fiendlishly burried under the towers even decades before the event that were waiting to be detonated and then, but a few lines after, you claim the towers were hit by nuclear weapons in broad daylight fired as missiles somewhere from the sea.

    Do you even read what you write before publishing?

    Now, I`m not going to go that far to explain to you how that would look and how nobody would be able to cover that up because of the unability (especially for weapons that are powerfull as you claim) to control nuclear demolition. Another (of many), false claim that you make is that there were no debris of the structure or the plane. This is absolutely wrong because the structure was demolished with explosive used when usually demolishing such vast buildings. The planes hit the buildings simultaneously and the terrorists were proven to be a non-existing threat for several reasons: one is the one you claim – they never were on the planes, the second is that one of the terrorists that is accused as controlling the jet couldn`t fly and barely operated a small one-man plane, the third is that the official investigation team claimed to have found terrorist passports in the same report they claimed that the ENTIRE plane vaporized and turned into smoke due to the explosion. So the fire was powerfull enough to vaporize titanium engines (used to power the massive planes) and the human bodies but even such explosion didn`t destroy the mighty passports of the terrorists that safely landed to the groud. This is clearly a setup as are many other things, some of them cleared up by the Zeitgeist community.

    The debris of the missile-crushed plane that hit the Pentagon were picked up by government agents, the tapes were seized, the witnesses ine nearby structures silenced and the place where the remains landed were literally covered up by trucks bearing sand.

  4. Igor Kostelac says

    Ajmo redom:
    Neznam čemu potreba da se komentar napiše na engleskom jeziku, sa filozovskog faksa u Zagrebu gdje jedan kreten svakodnevno upisuje takve idiotarije u google tražilicu mislim i valjda misli da to mene strašno uzbuđuje. S obzirom da znam o kome se radi (imenom i prezimenom) ne začuđuje me ovakva reakcija koja je potpuno neosnovana – glupa, a posebno pokazuje da “čitatelj” uopće nije razumio što sam napisao.Dakle kao što sam već napisao: WTC je pogođen zajedno sa Pentagonom sa tri projektila sa atomskim glavama.Da bi se te rakete neutralizirale odnosno onemogućile da dođe do njihove eksplozije jedino moguće riješenje je upotreba atomske bombe koja ih može u hipu VAPORIZIRATI(pretvoriti u prah) i na taj način ih totalno onemogućiti da eksplodiraju znači ukratko za ljude sa smanjenim IQ. Imamo ukupno 6 atomskih bombi. Tri su pogodile cilj i čekale su da budu aktivirane, zatim imamo tri atomske bombe pod zemljom na dubini od 75 metara koje su ekspodirale i aktivirane su, dvije ispod WTC-a i jedna ispod WTC building no.7 Sve tri su aktivirane i upotrebljene. Svi radnici koji su radili na raščišćavanju terena oboljeli su od radijacije, zajedno sa stanovniocima koji su živjeli u okolini blizu WTC-a. Potres koji je zabilježen na sezmiološkim stanicama je bio 6,5 po Richteru što u prijevodu znači da se je tlo zatreslo kao da hodate po vlaku koji se kreće (to su izjave službenih ljudi koji su to osjetili i prijavili).
    Pogledao sam toliko dokumentaraca o tome da mi je suvišno uopće raspravljati sa takvim zvekanima koji su poluobaviješteni pa mi čak spominju i Zeitgeist community. No kako je većina komentara copy/ paste (sumnjam u autorovo poznavanje engleskog jezika) pa čak mislim da je ovaj komentar pokupljen ispod nekog sasvim drugog članka a ne mojeg, uzalud je svaki moj trud da objašnjavam nešto što su dokazali ljudi koji su stručni u tom polju (nuklearnih eksplozija) uzalud je sasvim da komentiram ili nabrajam ono što je dostupno na internetu i samo treba pročačkati (čak ne i puno) jer na dobrim stranicama ima svega i to doslovno svega, mudar čovjek može između redaka shvatiti o čemu se radi, uostalom kamera koja se zatrese (televizijska) prije samog rušenja jednog towera , najbolje pokazuje o kakvoj je eksploziji riječ, tri do pet sekundi nakon toga (podzemne eksplozije) tower se počinje rušiti.Tako je uslijedila još jedna podzemna eksplozija prije drugog rušenja towera i ponovo se je zatresla kamera koja je bila udaljena 2 kilometra od mjesta događaja i začuo se je duboki zvuk kao da je jaki potres, prema tome ne postoji konvencionalni exploziv koji će na razdaljini od 2 kilometra zatresti tlo tako da se televizijska kamera i slika zatrese da se to primjeti- to može samo podzemna atomska eksplozija napraviti ili potres. Još nešto za normalne ljude što sam saznao tek prije neki dan a što je povezano sa 11.9.2001 godine , najme to jutro ljudi su u blizini NewYorka vidjeli ( masovno) pojavu i prelet velikog broja UFO ili NLO-a .Događaj je bio tako impozantan da su ljudi misili da je u pitanju neki light show ili vatromet. Prijavili su to nadležnim institucijama- policiji i vojski , koja tu informaciju nikad nije objavila već ju je zataškala te je to isplivalo nakon što su ljudi to povezali. 2000 godine prilikom rutinsdkog turističkog leta helikopterom, ljudi u helikopteru, snimili su UFO ili NLO točno ma mjestu uz WTC centar gdje će 4 godine kasnije biti pogođen projektilom.UFO ih je praktički napao i pokazao kojom okretnošću i brzinom leti, no interesantan je i ovaj snimak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5DcXJmNysw&feature=related, kao i ovaj sa UFO-om kojeg su kasnije proglasili fotomontažom, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nINySCp43-E&NR=1
    Nije još samo jasno što su i kamo WTC centri vodili, odnosno što im je bila prava namjena. No činjenica je da su na to mjesto postavili dva jaka reflektora koji svijetle u zrak, baš poput onih zraka koje su snimili onom specijalnom kamerom, sasvim slučajno. Toliko za sada. Građa ima suviše video dokaza da bih o njima mogao pisati ili samo pričati, jer bez video dokaza koji su snimljeni službenim kamerama nema smisla raspravljati.Pun mi je kurac ljudi koji pogledaju dva dokumentarca na internetu i onda se preseravaju sa znanjem.Podsjećaš me na Riječke pankere koji pojma nisu imali o svirci ,ali su bili službeni Riječki glazbenicui o kojima se snimaju filmovi, ma strava i Clapton bi se posramio


    Ova količina megatona koju ste naveli bi izbrisala cijeli New York sa lica zemlje, i bila bi registrirana kao omanji potres čak i u Kini.

  6. Igor Kostelac says

    Ne bi, jer bomba između 50 -80 kilotona na dubini od 75 -100 metara upravo djeluje na površini tako kako je opisano. Malo smo zavidnoi na blogu ha? Jebiga stari , a da probaš “ono” sa ženama, možda ti se upali pokoja lampica, jer gadno je kad mi kolege blogeri sa blogera hr za tebe kažu da si etiketitani homić, gadna špreha ide za tobom, možda da se vratiš od kuda si došao 90 – navodno tamo ima jako puno pedera pa će ti biti lijepo.

  7. Your Biggest Fan says

    Interesting reading your commentary.

    Well, though I cannot grasp myself why I do what I do, I will, once again, (and this time truly finally) comment something You have written.

    Ok. Firstly, I wrote the comment (and I am writing this one) in English to teach you some new and exciting words! Words that humans use. Reading your own translation of this post made me question the very basic knowledge of English you claim to have mastered. It also puts to question your understanding of any and all videos you saw or heard, especially since you have proven the ability to distort the simplest comments or information you find. But enough about that.

    Second, the comment under the codename “KOBILISENADO” was written by my colleague who laughed and could not believe what I told him before he read your post. He could easily prove you wrong in many ways but since he realized from my comment that all you can do is insult and accuse, he left only this simple comment in order to test your accusations. And they are, of course, wrong. Neither my colleague nor I have any blogs nor is he a homosexual while I am in a heterosexual relationship for over a year now. Your insulting answer proves, once again, that the only thing you know is that I commented your post using a computer linked to a FFZG server. I don`t really care if you do know my name or anything else because it makes no difference whatsoever. YOU are the one making comments (from whoever they come from) personal and you are the one turning me into your Nemesis in order to avoid answering SIMPLE questions. This is also done to perpetuate me as your some kind of “ancient enemy” who you hurt badly in the past and thus to colour my comments as pure hate, malice and rage. I don`t call you names and I haven`t done so in any of my comments and I don`t know what you mean by accusing me as writing something idiotic into the google search program. Whats up with that? I don`t care about Igor Kostelac or about your personal life. I don`t hate you or love you. You are as important to me as the last year`s snow. The information IS important to me. That`s the difference.

    Also, you should know that many people from the FFZG (at least 20 of them I know personally) are aware of your blog and if any of them commented anything from your blog their server adress would be the same. Nearly 5000 people either attend this college or gravitate to it from neighbouring colleges because it has a fascinating and usefull library. My colleague proved that yesterday. (And for Heaven`s sake, its not “filozovski” but “filozofski”)

    Next, I am not surprised you are not aware of the Zeitgeist community but only the Zeitgeist movie.

    And finally, even though you surely won´t listen to me, I recommend you to write your posts after carefully examining them. The answer you gave me in your angry reply has important information for your story that you haven`t published but you expect people to know it.

    I realized reading through your posts that you like to achieve impact upon the reader but you cannot do that using lies. You are old enough to know that lies will get you nowhere. For example – the entire building (a single one weighing about 300 000 tons) did not turn into dust or micro particles. This isn`t even mentioned in the DVD you recommended to the readers. Huge parts of steel, aluminum, concrete, glass and other debris were carried of by workers for weeks using construction machinery. Has the American government (or aliens) secretly placed that debris there while the ENTIRE WORLD was looking away?

    I`m not going to comment other things you wrote because I`m quite frankly, tired.

    Open a can of beer and celebrate, for I will not comment your blog again.

  8. Igor Kostelac says

    aha, jebem te polako ali sigurno – ubo sam na pravo mjesto,jebe te engleski, sudiš ljude po sebi, ako ti nisi pojebao toliko pički ko ja u životu onda to nisu ni drugi, ako ti nisi bio uspješan u muzici, onda to nisu bili ni drugi, ako ti nisi vidio NLO onda to nisu i drugi, ja u tim tvojim komentraima ne vidim nikakvu kritiku – već golo zlo i frustraciju, i dok god ovakvi poput tebe budu ostavljali takve komentre na ovom blogu, ja ću se prema njima ponašati upravo tao kao se ponašam prema tebi i tvom kompiću – kolegi, vjerovatno ste isti- za kurac oboje. samo ti i još jedan takav pacijent ostavljate ovakve komentare od 350 000 ljudi koji ovdje čitaju i komentiraju.Rekao mi je jedan frend čitajući tvoje komentare- “interesantno kakve se sve budale ne nakače na tvoj blog”, i da na kraju nemam pojma šta si napisao u komentaru jer ja neznam ni čitat ni pisat engleski jezik, nit ga razumijem niti govorim – to znaš samo ti i nitko više, nisi me uopće impresionirao.Takvi debili su mi snaga da pišem i radim punim kapacitetom.Šteta faxa na kojem “studiraš” bilo bi dobro da vas povremeno pošalju na psihijatarski pregled , ..jer imaš stvarno ozbiljnih problema – pročitaj sve svoje komentare koje si ostavio na ovom blogu ukljućujući ono što si napisao na čatu dok nisam bio prisutan.Od toliko tisuća blogova odabrao si slučajno baš moj, da mogu mislit
