Posted by Pas at 22/09/2014


23.10.2014 Nibiru će se nalaziti  točno između Zemlje i Sunca, to znači da će se svakim danom sve transparentnije to odražavati na kamerama koje snimaju panoramu,velika je mogućnst da će se masu kamera ugasiti ili timelapse video pokratiti kako se ne bi ništa vidjelo. No ono što je izrazito intersantno NASA je pronašla novo ime za Nibiru i nakon što su ga nazvali Elenin i Ison sada ga zvu SIDINGSPRING , naime SIDINGSPRING kometa 23.10.2014 proći će uz Mars.Evo što je James McCanney napisao u svezi toga:

September 19, 2014 posting … ANNOUNCEMENT … NASA and other agencies are sending fleets of spacecraft to Mars just in time to see the Comet Siding Spring close passage … including one from India (wait holy rush to be there Bat Man and boy wonder Robin … India is sending a mission to Mars ???) … yes all just in time for the passing comet … but wait another minute … NASA just put out an official report that they expect NOTHING to happen at all including no observable results during the comet passage only 82000 miles from Mars … all tolled there are 7 spacecraft … 2 rovers on the ground … the Mars Orbiter now being joined by two others (the MAVEN mission) and then there’s the India space craft and one other … all there to see …. NOTHING ??????????????? HMMMMM it doesn’t get any deeper than this … they then state they are interested in things that happened billions of years ago … in reality the last time a comet came near Mars was just a few thousand years ago … the pre-planet Comet VENUS which by the way is rich in the ancient lore of none other than INDIA but of course officialdom cannot talk about that and continues with the mantra of OOOOHHHHHMMMMM dirty snowball comets … keep posted … more to come .. i talk about that on my weekly show so keep listening … jim mccanney 

September 19, 2014 posting … i just saw an episode of the recent series COSMOS on the history channel … BARFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF !!! talk about the summary of tier II fairy tale science !!! it took all i could do to listen to the officialdom explanations of the mass extinctions throughout the history of the world … wow !!! no mention of any activity from outer space … according to them the earth just jumped up and did all this by its lonesome self … compete garbage … fluff fluff and more hand waving fluff … taking the true meaning of the term PhD (piles higher and deeper) to new levels … jim mccanney

Imam još informacija sa kojim ne mogu izaći u javnost, ali koju sam poslao ljudima kojima vjerujem i sa kojim imam redovne kontakte. Sa tim informacijama neću izlaziti u javnost zbog toga, kako netko ne bi promjenio to što sam opazio i radio i dalje to što radi i na taj način potvrđivao ono što sam odavno tvrdio; da je NIBIRU tajna na tajnama koja seže do krajnjih pipaca ove hobotnice, koja svojim krakovima održava ljude u uvjerenju da je to izmišljotina a ljude koji o tome pišu – da su ludi i neobrazovani. Moram vam reći da su chemtrailsi potpuno nevažni naspram ovoga što sam uhvatio.

Evo jedne poruke koju sam dobio mailom koja je kopirana sa jedne stranice akoja vjerno preslikava buduće događaje – a nisam je ja napisao niti poznam čobvjeka koji ju je napisao;

You are but weeks away from the biggest surprise of your lives. All those who still sleep will be forced to awaken to the TRUTH and will have to deal with the reality of it. Many, like me, have tried to gently awaken you, but fear has kept you locked into the false reality. It is better to be awake, aware, and prepared.

Što će se dešavati 22, 23 i 24.Oktobra teško je reći,ali radi se o tri dana pa je vrlo zanimljivo jer se taj broj pojavo u nekoliko verzija

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