Posted by Pas at 01/10/2011


Jedan od prvih znakovitijih simptoma da je Nibiru blizu odnosno bliže nego što je bio prije, biti će usporavanje Zemljine vrtnje oko Sunca u orbiti obratnoj od kazaljke na satu – oko sunca. Biti ćemo snažno udareni s desna, koja je u ovom slučaju gurajuća strana. Kao što je udarilo i skrenulo sa putanje Pioneer 10, od naše orbite ta će nas strana pokušati gurnuti u obrnutu stranu. Sunčev opozitni magnetizam tada će nastojati svojim djelovanjem da nas zadrži na zadatoj putanji, jer će biti jača od snage Nibiru-a, tako da će kao rezultat tog okršaja između dviju gravitacija i magnetizma, biti usporavanje vrtnje zemlje oko Sunca sve više i više, što se Nibiru bude približavao.
Ovaj fenomen pomaže nam da shvatimo što se zapravo desilo sa Pioneer-om 11, čija je putanja bila opozitna od Pioneer – a 10. Na nesreću Sunčeva snaga  na obje sonde Pioneer 10 i Pioneer 11 koja je bila mjerena unutar sondi nije bila dovoljna (jer su je tako napravili njihovi dizajneri) snaga Nibiru-a nije bila očekivana i uračunata od strane NASA-inih znanstvenikai inžinjera. S toga njegov efekt izazvao je pravu zbrku među njima, oni su se borili da dođu do različitih teorija u nadi da će objasniti taj misteriozni fenomen. Upotrijebivši podatke sa Voyager-aoni su otkrili jako magnetsko polje tek nešto malo izvan sunčevog sistema objasnio je Merav Opher Nasa-in gost Heliofizičar iz George Manson univerziteta.To je potvrđeno 24.12.2004 godine



Distanca između Nibiru-a i Elenin – koji je Nibiru-ov najistureniji komet, iznosi 1 221 185 627 km  i to je zadnje tijelo na koje njegova magnetna gravitacija djeluje. Samo za primjer da vam kažem Jupiterov najudaljeniji mjesec orbitira na 29 540 000 km. To znači da je Nibiru-ovo magnetno polje jače 41,3 puta od Jupiterovog magnetnog polja. Jupiterovo detektirano magnetmno polje,  je službeno 20,4 puta jače od magnetizma Saturna, a Satunrnovo magnetno polje dopire do njegovog zadnjeg prirodnog mjeseca Titana, na razdaljini od 1 221 830 km.  Znači Jupiterova snaga je 24 puta jača od Saturnove. S obzirom da je Nibiru 41,3 puta jači od JUPITER-a  znači da mu to daje 1000 Saturnovih snaga. Znači uopće nije čudno sa kakvom je lakoćom okrenuo SATURN prošlih 10-tak mjeseci od Decembra 2010 kada   je Nibiru pogodio Saturn svojim magnetnim poljem  i okrenuo ga za 90 stupnjeva, praktički ga preuzevši pod svoju gravitaciju.
Sunčeva magnetna moć iznosi u dosegu u kilometrima  7 311 000 000 km – zmači do PULTONA. Znači Sunčeva magnetna snaga je 5,99 puta jača od NIBIRU- ove magnetne gravitacijske snage.
S toga, Nibiru mora prići 5,99 puta bliže zemlji od Sunca da bi imao potpuno isti efekt na Zemlju poput Sunca i  da bi postao naša zvijezda, ali i bliže od toga da preuzme ulogu Sunca. Za tu distancu Nibiru bi morao dosegnuti     24 974 624 km. No što god to značilo, prema NASA-i 16.10.2011 Elenin će postići perigej od 34 706 736 km (0,232AU) od Zemlje.
No, kako Nibiru putuje po potpuno istoj putanji i paraboli Elenin – a i gotovo potpuno istom brzinom, ali 1 200 000 000 km iza Elenin-a, to znači da će NIBIRU 16.10 2012 godine biti na potpuno istom perigeju (najbližoj udaljenosti od zemlje) kao i Elenin ove godine 2011.što je 1,39 puta distamca koja mu je potrebna da dostigne istu moć kao i naše SUNCE prema zemlji. To bi značilo da bi efekt NIBIRU-a nad Zemljom bio oko 72% snage koju sad nad Zemljom ima Sunce. U prijevodu bi to značilo da bi imao snagu da okrene zemlju za 72% od njene sadašnje pozicije.
72% od 360 stupnjeva iznosi cca 260  stupnjeva
Uzmemo li to u obzir kao i da Nibiru-ov magnetski štit ima radijus od

13 726 245 km, tog datuma bi mogao doći opasno blizu zemlje po astronomskim standardima( pogledajte film Melanchonia)
Ako bi išli po rekalkulaciji NASA-e 0,0004 AU ili 59 839 km prema Nasinim astrofizičarimama, iz sada već zatvorene Nasinog – BUZZ ROOM -a na internetu i da zamislimo, da Nibiru ne bi dolazio bliže od toga, to bi značilo da bi se on približio 417 puta bliže, nego što bi mu to bilo potrebno da se izjednači sa snagom Sunčeve gravitacije, odnosno magnetnog polja. Ako uzmemo u obzir da Nibiru ima u radiusu barem 80 000 km, kad bi prišao tako blizu, izravno bi se sudario sa zemljom i uništio je. Upravo je to i tema filma Melanchonia, u kojemu se prikazuje pogrešan izračun znanstvenika i smak svijeta, ali u doslovnom smislu. To bi mogli riješiti sugerirajući da 59839 km perigej za za relativno mali Elenin koji je NASA objavila na svojim stranicama na simulatoru za JPL, zapravo ista simulacija koja će vrijediti za NIBIRU u oktobru 2012 godine.
U tom prolazu NIBIRU bi bio pod utjecajem Sunca i njegove gravitacije, pa kad bi to sve zbrojili i pomnožili, došlo bi do toga, da bi se zemlja okrenula za 518,4 stupnjeva.


Brzina Nibirua je u Jupiterovoj orbiti cca oko 25 890 milja na sat ili oko milion kilometara na dan, ili 41667 km na sat. Jupiter se kreće po svojoj orbiti brzinom od 41 667 km na sat razlika u brzini Jupitera i Nibiru-a je 3346 milja na sat u korist Nibiru- a
U Saturnovoj orbiti Nibiru praši 29167 km na sat ili 700 000 km na dan !!!!
Saturn se u po svojoj orbiti kreće brzinom od 21675 milja na sat. Razlika u brzini između Nibiru i saturna je 3552 milja na sat u korist Nibiru-aS toga razlika između brzine Nibiru-a u Jupiterovoj i Saturnovoj orbiti je, 7766 milja na sat.
Razlika u brzini između Jupitera i Saturna je 7560 milja na sat u korist Jupitera.
Kad to svbe zbrojite i oduzmete ispada da je akceleracija (ubrzanje)  NIBIRU-a u Saturnovoj orbiti ka Jupiterovoj orbiti (The crossing planet) jednaka hipotetski Jupiterovom ubrzanju od Saturnove orbite ka Jupiterovoj orbiti, što nam sugerira da je masa NIBIRU-a veća od Jupiterove i Saturnove i da je sporiji od oba,  nego što su oni sami u svojim zasebnim orbitama. Odnos mase između Jupitera i Saturna proporcionalan je masi između Nibiru i Jupitera. (nastaviti će se)



2002 – Scientists may have detected the beginning of the field’s next such reversal.

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2003 – Earth’s fading field could mean a magnetic flip soon

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2005 – Movement of North Magnetic Pole is accelerating

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2008 – Earth’s Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says

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2008 – Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to Sun

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2009 – North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux

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2009 – The Norway Spiral Mystery

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2009 – The earth’s climate is significantly affected by the planet’s magnetic field

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2010 – Scientists unearth more evidence of superfast changes in Earth’s magnetic polarity

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Jan 2011 – Catastrophic weather events taking place across the globe

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Jan 2011 – Shift of Earth’s magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport

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Jan 2011 – British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occuring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing!!

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Jan 2011 – Timeline of Massive Animal Die-Offs

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April 2008 – Birds and mammals to reptiles and insects, all use Earth’s magnetic field for navigation.

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Jan 2011 – That location in the sky has slowly drifted westward because of something called “precession” — the earth continually wobbles (a scientific term for a slight motion) every 26,000 years.

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Jan 2011 – The Sun Rises 2 Days Early in Greenland

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Jan 2011 – The Sun Rises 1 Day Early in Norway

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2010/2011 – People in the High Arctic say their 24-hour darkness isn’t as dark as it used to be

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2006 – Weather Makes Earth Wobble

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2009 – A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System

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2009 – The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist.

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2009 – Voyager data show that the Fluff is much more strongly magnetized than anyone had previously suspected

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2009 – Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High

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2009 – Russian scientists warn that the West’s “obsession” with manmade Global Warming is a deliberately designed propaganda effort to shield their peoples from the fact that Earth is or nearing a “total pole reversal” due to an as yet unexplained, but extremely powerful, gravitational force emanating from the outer reaches of our Solar System

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Go waay back to 1993…

SCIENTISTS LOCATE NEW RADIATION BELT AROUND EARTH composed of particles known as anomalous cosmic rays, the result of the sun’s interaction with tenuous gas that exists between the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.. In 1992, between the months of August and November, they found that the amount of cosmic rays in this new ‘raditation belt’, DOUBLED.

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Now look at it!

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and again..

Jan 2011 – British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occuring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing!!

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2010 – The sun is emitting a mystery particle effecting the decay rate of radioactive material on Earth

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2010 – The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a sort of “mini-CERN” in space. In Search of Antimatter.. All of these exotic phenomena can make their presence known by the ultra-high energy cosmic rays they emit–the type of particles AMS excels in detecting.

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Jan 2011 – Never-before-seen phenomenon observed with NASA telescope : thunderstorms hurl antimatter into space

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2002 – Earth Days Get Longer, Humans Responsible

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Jan 2011- Earth’s magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths

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1999 – Darwin saw evolution as a slow, continuous process, without sudden jumps. However, if you study the fossils of organisms found in subsequent geological layers, you will see long intervals in which nothing changed (“equilibrium”), “punctuated” by short, revolutionary transitions, in which species became extinct and replaced by wholly new forms.

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1997 – Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity’s in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This “donation” of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago.

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Jan 2011 – An extensive study of tree growth rings says there could be a link between the rise and fall of past civilizations and sudden shifts in Europe’s climate

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At the very least… we can expect continued extreme climate change to create a food crisis later this year…

Jan 2011 – As the new year begins, the price of wheat is setting an all-time high in the United Kingdom. Food riots are spreading across Algeria. Russia is importing grain to sustain its cattle herds until spring grazing begins. India is wrestling with an 18-percent annual food inflation rate, sparking protests. China is looking abroad for potentially massive quantities of wheat and corn. The Mexican government is buying corn futures to avoid unmanageable tortilla price rises. And on January 5, the U.N. Food and Agricultural organization announced that its food price index for December hit an all-time high

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Jan 2011 – Strained by rising demand and battered by bad weather, the global food supply chain is stretched to the limit, sending prices soaring

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Jan 2011 – Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm’

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FEMA – Be Ready, ‘World Upside Down’

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Jan 2011 – Weatherwoman for TV45 Havasu and I agree about the magnetic field.

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Jan 2011 – Earth to have second sun and 24 hour daylight for weeks…

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Jan 2011 – World leaders warn on rising food prices could lead to social unrest and even “economic war”

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Jan 2011 – Euronews explains the pole shift

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Feb 2011 – <span>At first glance it looks like a graphic from a Discovery Channel programme about a distant ice age. But this astonishing picture shows the world as it is today – with half the Northern Hemisphere covered with snow and ice.</span><span> </span>

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Feb 2011 – Two gigantic islands of ice drifting south from the Arctic could reach Newfoundland’s Grand Banks as early as August. The unusually large bergs have a shallow draft, which means they could float over the Grand Banks.

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yup, right on track!

July 2011 -The events that have occurred during the first half of the year have been astonishing.

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