Ovo nije moj članak, uzeo sam ga sa jedne web stranice , koja ga je isto uzela od negdje sa neke web stranice. Dijagrami su sa stranice NASA-e. datumi koji su upisani na slikamarelativni su, u budućnosti , zbog nepredvidivog kretanja Planeta X kao i utjecaja raznih magnetnih polja na druge planete i na njega samoga, no kako stvari stoje prema ovome , čeka nas teško i neizvjesno vrijeme sve do kraja 2018 godine, a to znači još potresa vulakanskih srupcija i strahovitih klimatskih promjena ukljućujući i okretanje polova zemlje.
Timeline of Nibiru/Elenin
The Elenin object (s) crossed Saturn’s orbit on 29 May 2009 with Nibiru 8 AU behind it and well into Uranus’ orbit.
About two years later, at the time of writing, 30 June 2011, the core of Nibiru should have crossed Saturn’s orbit, even as its harbinger, Elenin, crossed Mar’s orbit about 8 AU ahead of it. This tells us that Nibiru is about two years behind Elenin. However, we should be careful with this accelerating faster and faster due to our star’s magnetic pull. Thus, this two-year gap between them will undoubtedly be decreasing at an ever increasing rate as their proximity to the Sun and Earth also decreases. Let’s assume their velocity doubles by the time they get here, having the length of time it would take Nibiru to reach Earth. This means Nibiru could then reach us one year after Elenin, instead of two years.Oko dvije godine kasnije, u vrijeme pisanja, 30. lipnja 2011, jezgra Nibiru bi prešli Saturnovu orbitu, čak i kao njegov preteča, elenin, prešao Mar orbitu oko 8 AU ispred njega. To nam govori da je Nibiru je oko dvije godine iza elenin. Međutim, moramo biti oprezni s tim ubrzava brže i brže zbog naše zvijezde magnetskog povući. Dakle, ova dva-godišnji razmak između njih nesumnjivo će se postupno smanjivati na sve veću stopu njihova blizina Sunca i Zemlje također smanjuje. Pretpostavimo njihova brzina udvostručuje je vrijeme da biste dobili ovdje, ima dužinu vremena da bi se Nibiru doći do Zemlje. To znači Nibiru tada mogla doći jedna godina nakon elenin, umjesto dvije godine.
4. srpnja 2011: Saturn bio dobro unutar radijusa i prianjanje vanjskog magnetskog polja.On 4 July 2011: Saturn was well within the radius and grip of the outer magnetic field.
The image shows how Nibiru’s magnetic field should appear to a viewer on Earth in the sky of 28 July 2011 if he should see it. The aproximate positions of Nibiru and Elenin are also shown.
16 August 2011: Mars also enters the field. With the red planet still a bit far from the Sun’s glare, though heading towards it, perhaps something may be gleaned stirring in its atmosphere from then onwards.
Nirbiru’s magnetic field reaches the Sun around 18 August 2011, just as the Elenin object crosses Venus’ orbit. Perhaps solar activity would begin to erupt at this stage.
3 September 2011: Sun completely eclipses Nibiru, obscuring it from all possible view from the Earth. This also marks a direct alignment between the Earth, Sun and Nibiru. While we are on the other side of the Sun from Nibiru, the Sun’s magnetism may act as a shield. However, once we orbit over to the other side of the Sun over the course of the following six months, we will no longer e able to benefit from the shield and will thus be totally exposed to Nibiru.
11 September 2011: Nibiru will be about midway between Saturn and Jupiter’s orbit and even as Elenin reaches perihelion, from that point it begins to hurtle back into Nibiru’s magnetic sphere as it is hurled in that direction by the Sun’s anti-clockwise-rotating magnetic field. From this point, Elenin can no longer be used as a reference point for the leading edge of Nibiru’s magnetic field because it is falling farther and farther into it in a direction directly opposite that of the core, which is still moving towards the Sun and Earth. At this point, the Earth is still outside the field but it set on an inescapable collision with it.
27 September 2011: Earth plummets into Nibiru’s magnetic field. Still behind the Sun’s shield, so the intensity on Earth is lessened.
Elenin is flying between the Sun and Earth in an alignment that also involves the Moon, Mercury and Urnaus. There are other secondary alignments and near alignments that altogether create a grand conjunction involving directly or indirectly all nine planets in the solar system! Many things are lining up.
the point of view from the morning of 27 Septmeber showing the alignment of Earth with its moon, Elenin, Sun and Mercury (and Uranus too, which is ‘behind’ the Earth).
Nibiru’s magnetic shell (painted red here) and core (cyan and white) should look about that big in the sky from 8 AU away if they were visible to the naked eye of the observer on Earth. Notice the ‘mini’ gamma ray bursts from both poles of it look like wings from the observer’s POV-like the winged disk or red-horned sun described and depicted by the ancients. The Earth is now within the outer magnetic sphere of Nibiru, indicated by the red hue upon it.
16 October 2011: Elenin reaches perigee. Nibiru increases in acceleration towards the Sun.
It’s coming!” thunders Paul Begley, a preacher at Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox, Ind., in a YouTube video. “It’s on its way and right in the middle of the Feast of the Trumpets, it is going to come through and get in between the Earth and the sun.”
“We’ve only known about this thing six months, folks,” he continued, reflecting the fact the comet was discovered here in the U.S. by Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin on Dec. 10, 2010, at International Scientific Optical Network’s robotic observatory near Mayhill, N.M.
Begley wondered aloud what sort of physical effect the comet might have.
Will there be some type of magnetic pull? Will the poles shift? Will there be some type of pull of gravity that creates earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanoes and hurricanes and tornadoes and cyclones and mudslides, forest fires? What’s gonna go on?